Peñalolén, Santiago
Atendemos de Lunes a Sábado
Peñalolén, Santiago
Atendemos de Lunes a Sábado

Desratización Predemolición

Our Services

The Importance of Disinfecting and Sanitizing

For employees who can't work from home, our office sanitizing and disinfecting services will provide a safe and clean environment as required by OSHA. Our ability to disinfect large areas quickly and effectively will minimize any downtime and keep your workforce healthy in this time.

Professionalism, Quality and Reliability

  • Franchise-backed small business owners
  • Uniformed janitors with photo identification
  • 24/7 Customer Service


Best, se ha especializado en brindar un servicio integral a aquellos clientes que necesitan realizar desratizaciones pre demolición, con asesorías y trabajo en terreno, efectuando de principio a fin todo tipo de trámite administrativo ante la Autoridad Sanitaria, el personal técnico de nuestra empresa cuenta con un conocimiento acabado, entendiendo la lógica que con lleva este tipo de desratizaciones ya que no son desratizaciones comunes y la alta complejidad de este servicio nos ha puesto a la vanguardia en este tipo de trabajos.

Estamos autorizados

Our Pricing

Commercial Sanitizing Services Rates

Are you looking for more specific numbers to work with as you size up your prospective cleaning service provider? Use this table to get a better idea of the price per square foot that many businesses pay today and how many man hours are typically required to perform the job. Price ranges are based on programs that clean a space three times per week.

Benefit From Our Affordable Prices
  • If you require a domestic cleaner or house cleaner on a weekly or fortnightly basis, the cost starts from $15.00 per hour.
  • A deposit will be required for our “one-off” cleaning service.
Residential Services Price
Medical Cleaning from $850
Office Cleaning $750 - $1,000
Industrial Cleaning $850 - $1,100
School Cleaning $750 - $1,000
Building Cleaning
Gutter Sanitizing $150
Roof Sanitizing $250 - $300
Education Centre $750 - $1,000
Warehouse Cleaning $650 - $700
Factory Cleaning from $350
Quickest Way to Sanitize

Why Steam Cleaning

Kills 99.9% of Bacteria

We use a state of art technology to achieve deep sanitizing to remove and kill deeply embedded allergy and germ-infected debris.

It's Just H20 (Water)

Completely natural, steam lifts heavy stains from fabric, dislodges encrusted dirt, melts away grease or grime, kills molds and mildew.

Safe & Eco Friendly

We do not use any chemicals, so there is no harmful residue left behind on surfaces that could be toxic to pets and children. About Us